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What is NAD Therapy?

To answer this, we must first understand more about the molecule nicotinamide adenosine dinucelotide (NAD).  NAD and NAD+ are intrinsic to the human body, serving as integral components in the intricate process of energy generation. Among these, NAD+ takes center stage as a vital cofactor, significantly enhancing mitochondrial function. Mitochondria, the energy powerhouses found in virtually all living cells, convert micronutrients into energy-rich ATP molecules, fueling cellular activities.

NAD+ stands as the most prominent cofactor within the human body. As the paradigm of anti-aging therapies gains mainstream recognition, the role of NAD+ in activating PARPs (involved with DNA repair), Sirtuins (proteins involved in aging and longevity), and addressing immune dysregulation has been extensively explored and popularized.

The clinical significance of maintaining optimal cellular NAD+ levels was recognized over a century ago, notably when pellagra, a debilitating condition marked by diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and mortality, was found treatable with foods containing NAD+ precursor niacin. Moreover, it has been observed that cellular NAD+ levels tend to decrease in the face of heightened oxidative damage, a common occurrence during the aging process.

Altered NAD+ levels have been closely associated with various disorders characterized by increased oxidative/free radical damage, including diabetes, heart disease, age-related vascular dysfunction, ischemic brain injury, misfolded neuronal proteins, and Alzheimer's dementia.

Interventions aimed at replenishing NAD+ have demonstrated substantial benefits in animal models, supporting not only healthy aging but also metabolic function and cognitive health. It is evident that understanding and harnessing the potential of NAD+ holds great promise in the quest for improved well-being and longevity.


How Does NAD Therapy Work?

NAD therapy involves the administration of NAD into your body, often through intravenous (IV) infusions, injections, or oral supplements. By providing your cells with an extra supply of NAD, this therapy can help support energy production, cellular repair, and overall wellness. It has gained attention for its potential benefits in promoting longevity, improving metabolism, and enhancing overall health.


What Can I Expect from NAD Therapy?

NAD therapy offers a range of potential benefits, and while individual experiences may vary, we want you to have a clear understanding of what you can expect when you embark on this transformative journey with us.

1. Increased Vitality: NAD therapy is known for its energy-boosting effects. You can anticipate a noticeable surge in your energy levels, providing you with renewed vitality and a more active lifestyle. Say goodbye to fatigue and embrace a newfound zest for life.

2. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Experience improved mental clarity and cognitive function. NAD therapy supports optimal brain function, helping you think more clearly and enhancing your overall cognitive abilities. This heightened mental acuity can be a game-changer in your daily life.

3. Cellular Rejuvenation: NAD plays a vital role in DNA repair. With NAD therapy, you can look forward to cellular repair and rejuvenation, which promotes overall cellular health and longevity. It's like hitting the refresh button for your body's internal systems.

4. Metabolic Well-being: NAD therapy offers metabolic benefits that can aid in managing your weight and improving your metabolic health. It can help regulate blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity, contributing to your overall well-being.

5. Immune Resilience: Boost your immune system with NAD therapy. Strengthen your body's ability to fend off infections and maintain peak immune health. Be better equipped to face the challenges of everyday life with confidence.

6. Anti-Aging Effects: NAD therapy is closely associated with sirtuin activation, linked to the secrets of longevity and cellular health. Embrace the potential anti-aging effects and rediscover a more youthful version of yourself.

7. Craving Control: Experience a reduction in cravings for substances like alcohol or nicotine. NAD therapy can help you manage and overcome addictions more effectively, contributing to a healthier, more balanced life.

8. Improved Mood: NAD therapy often leads to an improved mood and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. Our patients frequently report feeling more positive, emotionally balanced, and better equipped to face life's challenges.

9. Longevity Focus: NAD therapy is a key player in the emerging field of longevity research. It's part of the toolkit for those seeking to extend their lifespan and live life to the fullest.

10. Personalized Care: Your NAD therapy at PRO Institute is tailored to your specific needs and health objectives. We understand that no two individuals are alike, and our team will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan.

11. Professional Guidance: Throughout your NAD therapy journey, you'll have access to professional guidance and support. Our team of experts is dedicated to monitoring your progress and ensuring you receive the highest quality care.

At PRO Institute, we're excited to accompany you on your NAD therapy adventure. The journey to better health, vitality, and overall wellness begins here.


NAD Therapy

Benefits of NAD


Helps repair blood vessels


May improve muscle health


May help repair cells and DNA


May improve cognitive function


May help with age-related weight gain

  1. Massudi H, Grant R, Braidy N, Guest J, Farnsworth B, Guillemin GJ. Age-associated changes in oxidative stress and NAD+ metabolism in human tissue. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e42357. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042357. Epub 2012 Jul 27. PMID: 22848760; PMCID: PMC3407129.

  2. Yahyah Aman, Yumin Qiu, Jun Tao, Evandro F. Fang.  Therapeutic potential of boosting NAD+ in aging and age-related diseases, Translational Medicine of Aging, Volume 2, 2018, Pages 30-37.

  3. Imai, Shin-ichiro, and Leonard Guarente. “NAD+ and sirtuins in aging and disease.” Trends in cell biology 24.8 (2014): 464-471.

  4. Mach, John, et al. “The Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation on Fatigue during Exercise: Potential Role for NAD+ (H).” Nutrients 2.3 (2010): 319-329.

  5. Verdin, Eric. “NAD+ in aging, metabolism, and neurodegeneration.” Science 350.6265 (2015): 1208-1213.

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